100 Years Ago - Old Bethel - Word&Way

100 Years Ago – Old Bethel

Celebrating Old Bethel

“At the coming meeting of the General Association of Cape Girardeau, there will be at least one memorable day. It was just 100 years ago this month that 15 Baptists organized Bethel church, the first non-Catholic body west of the Mississippi. The Baptists of Missouri are to commemorate the event with appropriate ceremonies.

“The special committee appointed by the General Association is now completing its work. The old cemetery has been improved and fenced and steps are being taken to secure this hallowed ground to the Baptists forever.

“A granite monument, suitably inscribed, will be unveiled on the spot where once stood the little church.

“What marvelous things God has wrought in 100 years. From this humble beginning have come churches and schools numbering many thousands, while the territory, then so desolate, has become the hope of the world.

“The monument will mark one of the most historic spots on the American continent, and our children’s children will stand in its presence with uncovered heads and lift to the throne their songs of gratitude and praise.”