Goats, water and creative clicking provide gift-giving alternatives - Word&Way

Goats, water and creative clicking provide gift-giving alternatives

Christmas givingBy Ken Satterfield

1) Christmas is getting closer.
2) Your gift-giving list isn’t getting any shorter.
Combine these two facts, and you may find yourself drawn towards finding something, anything that can be wrapped and put under a tree.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, last year’s retail sales accounted for $31.4 billion in December — and that’s just department stores. (Add another $21 billion for electronic and mail-order shopping.)
Much of this money will provide special memories and cries of “Just what I wanted!” Other presents, influenced by the gift desperation factor, will account for clothing in odd colors and patterns, games that will never be played and questions of “So, what does it do?”
With this in mind, Word&Way would like to suggest some alternatives that can truly make a difference in the lives of people around the world and right here in Missouri.

2007 holiday gift-giving alternatives
2007 Christmas-enhancing activities
Even the kitchen sink: 2007 Baptist holiday gift-giving ideas
2007 clickable gift-giving alternatives to help others
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This is not an exhaustive list. Instead, this is meant to suggest alternatives to materialism and gift-giving options.
Never neglect the needs and ministries of your local church or Baptist association. Often they are involved in local ministries, such as Angel Tree (angeltree.org) prison ministry.
One gift that can never be wrapped is prayer. The most precious gift you can give to someone else is to pray for them with specific needs and give hands and feet to your prayer requests.