SHREVEPORT, La. (ABP) -- On Oct. 29 lawyers took cases pro bono, a man installed a water heater for a disabled man who previously showered on his back porch and a man
Hollywood celebrities have brought increased attention to transracial adoption. Though hotly debated among sociologists and some theologians, many Baptist families love their “belly-button” children and their “heartstring” children equally.
Studies show that children who learn about their heritage have higher self-esteem and a positive self-image and become emotionally healthier adults, said Karin Price, director of Dillon International’s adoption education center.
Messengers to the 175th annual meeting of the Missouri Baptist Convention broadened the authority of the MBC Executive Board to resolve ongoing lawsuits against five formerly related entities in their morning session on October 27 at First Baptist Church, Raytown.
Arthur Simon tells the story of Bread for the World, a "citizen's outcry against hunger," as the ultimate insider. He was Bread's founder, its first president from 1974 until his retirement in 1991 and after that its president emeritus.
Packing Christmas boxes may seem out of place during the season of pumpkins and colored leaves, but that is what hundreds of Missouri Baptists, including several St. Louis churches, are doing.
Even the most cynical among us have some degree of trust. You get on a plane and expect the crew can fly it. Elevators go up or down when you push the buttons. So when we get an e-mail from a friend or see it
Clarksburg Baptist Church knows the power of prayer and the results of joining God at work -- double-digit salvations recorded, doubled Sunday School enrollment in three months and the reality of