CBF officers seek search committee members - Word&Way

CBF officers seek search committee members

ATLANTA (ABP) – Elected leaders of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship are seeking names to consider for a search committee to recommend a replacement for the moderate Baptist organization’s retiring CEO.

Daniel Vestal, executive coordinator of the Atlanta-based CBF since 1996, recently announced plans to retire at the end of next June.

CBF issued a press release Sept. 12 soliciting nominations for a search committee. Names will be accepted at CBFsearchcommittee@gmail.com through the end of September. The officers requested that all communication concerning the search committee process go through the specially designated e-mail address.
A timeline calls for appointment of a nine-member search committee in October, to be introduced and begin its work in November.

“The officers are committed to clear communication of our process moving forward and realize the importance of considering the initial reports from the 2012 Task Force before forming the search committee,” Burroughs said. “We covet your prayers for wisdom in the coming days and trust that God will direct our path together.”

CBF bylaws delegate authority for hiring or firing the executive coordinator to the Coordinating Council and allow the moderator to appoint temporary committees in consultation with other officers and the coordinator.

Current CBF officers are Colleen Burroughs, moderator; Keith Herron, moderator-elect; Christy McMillin-Goodwin, immediate past moderator; and Renee Bennett, recorder.

Burroughs said the search committee would reflect the diversity of the Fellowship community as much as is practical. Members will include both clergy and laity, with at least one member of the CBF personnel committee. The moderator will serve as a non-voting member by virtue of office and appoint the committee chair.
