Clear identity crucial for downtown churches
Clarifying its identity is essential for a church committed to remaining in a downtown setting, congregational consultants and pastors of vibrant in-town churches observe.
Clarifying its identity is essential for a church committed to remaining in a downtown setting, congregational consultants and pastors of vibrant in-town churches observe.
A pastor who led the Southern Baptist Convention to adopt a resolution in 2009 applauding the election of Barack Obama as America’s first African-American president termed the president’s May 9 endorsement of same-sex marriage a betrayal of the black church and an attack on the
At a very recent Word&Way event, a guest handed me an envelope with what felt like fabric padding inside. It was sealed, so I set it aside until after the event, a retirement luncheon for Word&Way Bookkeeper Margene Neuhart. I should have
Proponents of a Nov. 4 ballot initiative to cap the annual percentage rate on short-term loans delivered about 180,000 signatures from registered Missouri voters to the secretary of state's office May 6.
CORRECTION: This story was edited May 9 to correct an error in the first sentence. We regret the error.
The Baptist Collegiate Ministries at Vanderbilt University has reversed course and now says it will not comply with the school’s new non-discrimination policy.
One third of Kentucky Baptist Convention employees are opting to resign or retire early in anticipation of a reorganization of the Baptist Building staff in Louisville.
The LifeWay Glorieta Conference Center is being offered for $1 to the Baptist Convention of New Mexico, according to both LifeWay and state convention leaders.
A former Southern Baptist Convention official was arrested May 4 for kneeling and praying outside the White House on behalf of blind Chinese human-rights activist Chen Guangcheng.
Fire destroyed a Bible school and other buildings at a Baptist-run refugee camp on the Thailand/Myanmar border April 28.