Most students and educators are back in school by now, whether public, religious, home-based or some other school. Pray for all of them.
Bill WebbWith a few weeks of summer left, I asked my grandsons (ages 9 and 12) if they were looking forward to returning to school or whether they would like to have a longer summer vacation.
To be honest, I thought I already knew the answer. Back in a previous century (millennium!) when I was near their ages, my stock answer (at least as I remember it) was that I would be happy for summer break to go another month or so, at least while the weather was nice.
The boys have a variety of organized summer activities that include team athletics, scouting and music lessons. And those are things they enjoy, particularly in the summer. My break-from-school summers were pretty boring compared to what they do.
Each responded to my question similarly and explained their answers.
“I’m ready for school to start again,” each said. “I have a lot of friends at school that I don’t get to be around in the summer. I can’t wait to get back so I can spend time with them.”
I like their answers. I know school is not a happy experience for some children, and for a lot of reasons. I am grateful it is for my grandsons. Plus, their attitudes will help my 5-year-old granddaughter begin kindergarten with a positive attitude herself. I pray every student will have a productive year.
Bill Webb is editor of Word & Way.