Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Heartland recognized three CBF supporters at a Celebration of Excellence dinner April 21 in downtown Liberty, Mo.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Heartland Celebration of Excellence recipients (from left) David McDaniel, Elizabeth Haney and Bill Riggs gather after the banquet and awards presentation April 21 in Liberty, Mo. The event was first held last year in St. Louis, Mo. (Bill Webb)The three were Elizabeth Haney of Odessa, Mo., a member of First Baptist Church, Lexington, Mo.; David McDaniel, recently called as pastor of Holmeswood Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo.; and Bill Riggs, longtime Liberty resident and member of Second Baptist Church there.
Haney, along with her late husband Carl, was praised for devotion to family, church and missions support. Her former pastor, Bob Barker, introduced her.
She opened her home to hospitality to international students. On a video, two of them praised her hospitality.
Her son Jim recalled her habit of reading her Bible and working through a prayer list. “It was great growing up being one of the Haney boys,” he said.
McDaniel was introduced by close friend and layperson in his church Mark Garrett, who said his pastor reminds him of Christ.
McDaniel reaches out to the marginalized and to people deeply committed to their faith, he said.
He was praised for his commitment to social issues and for being a “great family man” and “an excellent preacher.”
Riggs, introduced by teacher and longtime friend Carolyn Fulk, recalled how when she and other William Jewell College students came to Liberty the Riggs reached out to them and offered hospitality and friendship.
The grandson of the founders of The Baptist Home, Riggs has stayed busy after retiring from his appraisal business in his support of the in support of that ministry, Jewell, his church, Liberty Board of Education and the Liberty Hospital Board.
He was credited with bringing Wheels on Meals to Liberty and with, after retirement, becoming a bus driver for after-school activities, and supporting the students by cheering them on as they participated.
The keynote speaker for the evening was Bo Prosser, coordinator of organization relationships for CBF in Atlanta.
He urged attendees to serve as guides, not heroes, in serving Christ and to help others grow toward excellence.