In December 2019, Word&Way helped sponsor a communication and media training event in Venezuela as the first part of a partnership with Luminar Bautista (Baptist Light), the media arm of Convención Nacional Bautista de Venezuela (National Baptist Convention of Venezuela). The Dec. 5-7 “Big Connection” event brought together about 30 people for training in more effectively communicating the Good News.
After the conference, Daniel Villasana, communications coordinator for the Convención and editor of Luminar Bautista, told Word&Way “the meeting went very well.” He also expressed his thanks for Word&Way underwriting the conference. (One percent of everything Word&Way receives — including from subscriptions, ads, and donations — goes to our international partnership fund to support global Baptist journalism.)
“I am deeply grateful to you,” Villasana said. “All the people sent you greetings and thanks for supporting the meeting.” While the conference went well, travel to and from involved delays and difficulties as the nation faces fuel shortages and transportation problems amid economic and political turmoil.
Yet despite that, Villasana reported, “We continue to serve the Lord with joy.”
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