This issue of A Public Witness explores the wild Superbowl dreams of Lance Wallnau — a key figure in the New Apostolic Reformation movement — to consider the heresy of the MAGAchurch world.
Religious leaders, activists, and artists from various Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and Jewish traditions embarked on an eight-day pilgrimage to the U.S. Capitol as part of a call for ceasefire.
‘As there’s ashes on our head, there’s also blood on our hands because we cannot exempt ourselves from what this country is doing,’ said the Rev. Graylan Hagler, pastor emeritus of Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ.
With a bloody cleric adding Valentine’s Day to his culture (and literal) wars, this issue of A Public Witness looks deeper into the subversive mythology behind St. Valentine.
In "Hunting Magic Eels: Recovering an Enchanted Faith in a Skeptical Age," Richard Beck argues that modern malaise has profoundly dulled our religious imaginations — but it doesn't have to be this way.
Contributing writer Rodney Kennedy argues that the acceptance of Trump's consistent lies as a legitimate political strategy has become an addictive drug for our culture and is starting to impact our children.
Critics have noted the campaign’s welcoming and progressive messages seem at odds with some of its Christian funders, who have also supported anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-abortion causes.
Osteen follows a thread of evangelical Christianity called the Prosperity Gospel, which believes that following God brings rewards to followers who devote themselves to him.
‘You’re not going to solve anything at the border when you start from the premise that migration is a threat to our country or that migrants are people to be feared,’ said Dylan Corbett, executive director of Hope Border Institute.