A dispute over how to count employees may cost Gordon College, a Christian school in Boston, millions after its request to have a COVID-era loan forgiven was turned down.
This issue of A Public Witness explores the religious ethics behind the Golden Rule and why it matters when Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz declares that it means “mind your own damn business.”
Activists who have been protesting at the Democratic National Convention over the war in Gaza took time out to mourn and draw strength from their varying faiths.
New safety measures mandate flashing lights on buggies, a requirement some conservative Amish say violates their faith. Harvard University Law School agrees with them.
'Voting Kamala … (is) a vote against another four years of faith leaders justifying the actions of a man who destroys the message Jesus came to spread,' said Jerushah Duford, granddaughter of the Rev. Billy Graham.
The Coalition to March on the DNC has united its various constituencies, including faith groups, to demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel and standing up for Palestinians.
Maine didn’t violate the U.S. constitutional rights of religious schools by requiring them to abide by the state’s antidiscrimination law to receive taxpayer-funded tuition assistance, a federal judge ruled. But the judge also acknowledged that a higher court will ultimately have the final say.
Some public figures also regularly tweet a random Bible verse on Sundays. And sometimes that creates an incongruity with the news. So this issue of A Public Witness gets biblical online to look inside this practice of tweeting the Bible.