‘I worry that this bill will lead to Christian nationalists infiltrating our public schools and indoctrinating our students,’ said Texas state Rep. James Talarico, a Democrat and Presbyterian seminarian.
For nearly five decades, Habitat for Humanity has inspired people from different backgrounds — who often can’t agree on anything — to work together for their neighbors’ benefit.
This issue of A Public Witness looks at the divergent behaviors of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on political issues before considering the protesters at an official prayer vigil in Allen, Texas, on Sunday.
'This legislation, if adopted, would incite fear and create barriers of needed care that our church immigrant and refugee ministries engage,' reads a letter signed by hundreds of Latino pastors, faith leaders, and congregants.
Fellowship of Reconciliation leaders, who organized the letter, also pointed out ties that have been found between Christian nationalism and opposition to gun control legislation.
A Republican senator told a Muslim woman that he would be happy to convert her to Christianity when she asked him how he planned to fairly represent all his constituents, not just those who shared his religion.
This issue of A Public Witness conjures up the righteous indignation of Charlton Heston as Moses to look at the dangerous push for the Ten Commandments in public schools.