The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty’s Amanda Tyler has reshaped the intersection of religion, politics, and law in recent years. And now she has a vital new book.
In "Imitating Christ: The Disputed Character of Christian Discipleship," New Testament scholar Luke Timothy Johnson reorients Christian living toward pursuing sainthood.
In September, he said Israel's attacks in Gaza and Lebanon have been immoral and disproportionate and that its military has gone beyond the rules of war.
Beyond the jump scares, the supernatural elements of horror and its sublime nature pair easily with belief and spirituality — and religion’s exploration of big existential questions.
Around the country, advocates for conservative Christian education have been finding legal ways to tap taxpayer money used more typically for public schools.
He has maintained throughout the years that the West Bank belongs to Israel, and recently said ‘the title deed was given by God to Abraham and to his heirs.’
Despite the growth of trauma-informed ministry, religious leaders believe that more needs to be done for the church and other sacred spaces to be healthy, safe places of connection for congregations.