Baptists in the eastern European nation of Belarus request prayers as the nation’s streets fill with protesters upset at presidential election results largely deemed fraudulent.
Democrats plan to kick off their party convention next week with an interfaith service that officials say is designed to represent diverse faith communities and further the party’s theme that its presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, will “restore the soul of America.”
On Thursday (Aug. 13), U.S. President Donald Trump announced Israel and the United Arab Emirates agreed to diplomatic relations. But while many applauded the move as a step toward peace, others criticized it as another effort that undermines Palestinian hopes for sovereignty.
In the week since Jerry Falwell Jr. agreed to a leave of absence from Liberty University, Liberty alumni serving as Christian pastors have let it be known they would like that leave to be permanent.
Dozens of evangelical colleges and universities issued statements grieving George Floyd’s death in police custody and pledging to find practical steps to address racial justice on and beyond their campuses. But the efforts left some students unsatisfied.
When the first COVID-19 cases hit Brazil in March, the government agency in charge of protecting the country’s Indigenous peoples ordered all civilians to leave the Indigenous reservations. But a new law made an exception for one group: Christian missionaries. And some people aren’t happy.
Church conflict is a growing pressure point for pastors during the coronavirus pandemic, a new report shows. Twenty-seven percent of evangelical and mainline pastors cited maintaining unity and addressing conflict and complaints when asked about the pressure points they are feeling most.
John Lewis said in his posthumously penned op-ed: “Each of us has a moral obligation to stand up, speak up, and speak out.” This is why Black preaching and Black preachers matter.
Senator Kamala Harris of California could become the fifth Baptist to serve as U.S. vice president. She would stand in stark contrast to other Baptist VPs — especially the first one, a slaveholder who was open about his enslaved common-law wife and their children.b
Last week President Donald Trump attacked his presumptive Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, on religious grounds. It’s been 220 years since the religion card was played so bigly in an American presidential campaign. The precedent is more apt than you might think.