As we mark the anniversary of a powerful confessional statement, this issue of A Public Witness considers how it still speaks to us today with a deep theological assessment of the dangers of uniting church and state.
‘A core practice of nonviolent resistance, including within our tradition, is economic non-cooperation with injustice,’ the Christian organizations wrote.
The president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary says former chief of staff Heath Woolman told another staffer to make the report of a sexual assault ‘go away.’
This Saturday marks four years since the photo op where Trump awkwardly held a Bible outside a church after police teargassed BLM protesters. Despite all the attention to evangelicals, if you look at the photos all you will see is the influence of mainline Protestantism.
The incident underscored how the church’s official teaching bumps against the reality that there are gay priests and plenty of LGBTQ+ Catholics who want to be fully part of the life and sacraments of the church.
In "Miracles for Skeptics: Encountering the Paranormal Ministry of Jesus," Frank G. Honeycutt draws out the deeper truths in the weird incidents from the Bible.
To receive an A rating, pastors must demonstrate that they lead a ‘biblically sound, culturally aware, & non-socialistic legislatively active church.’ Failing to meet any of those earns a church a ‘Would Not Recommend.’
‘Throughout the Trump presidency, the flag became a symbol for Trump, for Christian America, for this insurgent Christian Nationalism,’ says scholar Matthew Taylor.
As the world’s eyes turn to France, host of the summer games in two months, their unique approach to the role of religious symbols in the public realm is getting more scrutiny.
This edition of A Public Witness looks at how denying the problem of Christian Nationalism or putting the blame on the shoulders of others avoids the discomfort of identifying our own complicity and having to alter our practices.