The mix of religion, power, money, and influence around Nashville and its suburbs makes it fertile ground for a Southern evangelical take on Christian Nationalism.
ABCUSA’s new leader stands out, as only 13% of ABCUSA churches are pastored by women, and 86% of women in Baptist churches still report facing obstacles in their ministry because of their gender.
In "Pluralism in Practice: Case Studies of Leadership in a Religiously Diverse America," Elinor J. Pierce invites close reading, reflection, and discussion on the dilemmas and disputes of our multireligious society.
The moral and political battles among those who believe the government should not control a pregnant person’s body and those who believe abortion should not be considered an inalienable right have blurred the lines between religious and governmental wills.
In 2015, Tim Carey was appointed lead artist for a stained-glass window more than 90 feet long and nearly 40 feet high for the largest United Methodist congregation in the U.S.