Violence erupted against Christians in Manipur, India, last week amid political turmoil and tension between the Hindu population and minority Christian groups.
In welcoming Tawadros, the Coptic Orthodox patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt, Francis recalled that Wednesday marked the 50th anniversary of the first meeting between a Catholic and Coptic Orthodox pope.
This issue of A Public Witness looks at recent faith squabbles in statehouses and how this could impact Christian Nationalistic legislative efforts in a Capitol near you.
‘I worry that this bill will lead to Christian nationalists infiltrating our public schools and indoctrinating our students,’ said Texas state Rep. James Talarico, a Democrat and Presbyterian seminarian.
For nearly five decades, Habitat for Humanity has inspired people from different backgrounds — who often can’t agree on anything — to work together for their neighbors’ benefit.
This issue of A Public Witness looks at the divergent behaviors of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on political issues before considering the protesters at an official prayer vigil in Allen, Texas, on Sunday.
Greg Carey's "Death, the End of History, and Beyond: Eschatology in the Bible" understands that we need to address the present, but the future does impact the present — thus, the study of Last Things is not something we can avoid dealing with.