Max Lucado reflects on the news that Donald Trump has COVID-19 along with other concerns facing the country. Lucado urges that as we are processing the news that we should respond with faith and not fear.
Editor Brian Kaylor looks at the recent litigation filed by LifeWay Christian Resources and asks how they could have decided to take such an action. The sad case is yet another example of Christians hurting our witness with lawsuits.
An American president — of a certain age, with mitigating health factors — falls prey to the most serious public health crisis in the last century. Because he won’t admit its severity. Because he has mocked every reasonable deterrent.
For any journalist, covering the president and vice-president is an honor. It was only later, when I heard of the president’s positive COVID test, that the honor turned into concern for my health.
Editor Brian Kaylor reflects on his son doing school at home this year due to coronavirus, and what this says about our society, our values, and some our politicians and preachers.
Columnist Terrell Carter reflects on Psalm 66 and what it can teach us about the act of personally voicing praise and listening to others offer praise for God’s goodness.
Columnist Christopher Dixon writes about conspiracy theories during coronavirus, and the responsibility Christians have to not spread conspiracy theories and falsehoods.
Columnist Heather Feeler writes that in this unrelenting season, we need to practice radical self-care. For her, that means binge-watching singing competition shows.
The 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims’ voyage to Plymouth will be celebrated on both sides of the Atlantic. But until recently, the more troubling aspects to Plymouth and its founding document, the Mayflower Compact, went ignored.