Baptist - Word&Way


HomeNewsBaptist (Page 30)

BUENA VISTA, Colo. (BP) -- The area outside Buena Vista, Colo., is one of the world's best whitewater destinations. Darting along the rushing water is "life" for Tommy and other self-proclaimed "river rats." Mountain Heights Baptist Church has been reaching out to river guides like Tommy for 25 years.

EL CAJON, Calif. (BP) -- On a vacant lot at Slade's senior pastorate Meridian Baptist Church in El Cajon, Calif., a tiny cabin is being built as an emergency, secure shelter for homeless women and children.

MEMPHIS (BP)-- Ronnie Johnson, pastor of Miracle of Redemption Church, Memphis, has been shot four times and stabbed seven times."Of course I shot other folks too," the former Gangster Disciples member said.

CLARKSTON, Ga. (BP) -- A couple of old, uninhabitable farmhouses from the 1900s are in the spotlight of a lawsuit between the North American Mission Board and the City of Clarkston.

Several months after creating a peer assessment committee to explore its issues of faith, learning, and doctrine, Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Mo., announced the committee’s key finding, without specifying details, that the school had not clearly implemented its Statement of Faith across campus.

ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky. (Western Recorder) -- Denver Copeland candidly says he is an "out of the box" pastor. His track record in almost three years shepherding Stithton Baptist Church gives evidence to that perspective.

Christian leaders in the U.S. are speaking out against Christian nationalism, joining an initiative spearheaded by BJC and signing on to a statement of opposition.

HERMITAGE, Tenn. (BP) -- Clayton Gangji would have been 16 years old on June 6. Yet, more than two years ago, Clayton was killed by gunfire at the age of 14 after being involved in a robbery involving stolen cars.

NASHVILLE (BP) -- Four SBC seminary professors took issue with the 4-minute trailer from a forthcoming documentary decrying the issue of "social justice" currently being debated in evangelicalism. One asked that his interview be removed, tweeting the edited footage was "misleading."

(RNS)  — A video posted by a neo-Calvinist evangelical group paints Bible teacher Beth Moore, Southern Baptist ethicist Russell Moore, a former president of the Southern Baptist Convention and the SBC's current leader as part of a conspiracy to introduce social justice advocacy into evangelical churches.