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Dec 2017 3The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty is an 80-year-old organization, representing 15 Baptist bodies. While in mid-Missouri to talk about religious liberty issues, BJC's Executive Director Amanda Tyler sat down for an interview with Word&Way Editor Brian Kaylor.

BP RememberingYemen3JIBLA, Yemen (BP) -- It's been 15 years since I walked the dry, stony grounds of Jibla Baptist Hospital in Yemen, where a lone gunman murdered three International Mission Board medical missionaries on a December morning in 2002.

BP cookie ministry cookiesFRANKLIN, Tenn. (BP) -- The simplicity of a single homemade cookie. Could it be a source of sustenance for those mourning the death of a loved one?

Six and a half years and more than 50,000 cookies later, the answer is most definitely yes.

thumbRNS PRESSLER LAWSUIT 20171211(RNS) — Paul Pressler, who was instrumental in the conservative takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention in the late 1970s and early '80s, is fighting a lawsuit by a former office assistant who alleges the onetime Texas appeals court judge sexually abused him over the course of several decades.

hammer 719066 640Two Missouri Baptist institutions filed appeals after a judge ruled in favor of the Missouri Baptist Convention in the MBC’s 15-year litigation.

BP LifeWay ribbon cutting smNASHVILLE (BP) -- LifeWay Christian Resources dedicated its new corporate headquarters Monday (Nov. 27) with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, a prayer of thanksgiving and a pledge to remain faithful to God's Word.

Steve Long Nov 2017As The Baptist Home breaks ground for its new Central Missouri campus, administrator Steve Long reflects: "My vision is to be a spiritual visionary with a passion for creative leadership. I see myself as a pioneer blazing a trail and leading a path for others to follow.

"To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson: 'Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.'”

Keith RossST LOUIS, MO.—The Missouri Baptist University Board of Trustees unanimously appointed Dr. Keith L. Ross as the University’s seventh president on Thursday (Nov. 11).

BP BCI Officers2017AMES, Iowa (BP) -- The 2017 Baptist Convention of Iowa annual meeting was held in conjunction with a two-day "For the Church" micro conference in partnership with Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

AP 17316800432343cSUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas (AP) — Hundreds of mourners crowded into the tiny town of Sutherland Springs for the first Sunday service since a gunman stormed the First Baptist Church a week earlier, killing more than two dozen people in the worst mass shooting in Texas history.