Books - Word&Way


HomeNewsBooks (Page 9)

In "Corpse Care: Ethics for Tending the Dead," Cody Sanders and Mikeal Parsons spark new conversations that reclaim responsibility for faith communities from the funeral directors and other deathcare providers that professionally process our corpses without much reflection on their meaning.

In "We Will Be Free: The Life and Faith of Sojourner Truth," Nancy Koester brings to life the powerful story of a complicated woman whose voice still needs to be heard — especially at this moment when so many Christians want to whitewash and ignore the truth of our history.

In "Elusive Grace: Loving Your Enemies While Striving for God’s Justice," Scott Black Johnston brings healing to the divides present in our congregations so that together we might become agents of justice and voices of healing.

In "Resisting Apartheid America: Living the Badass Gospel," Miguel A. De La Torre challenges readers and makes a strong case that EuroChristianity, defined by White Supremacy, is the greatest threat to the United States.

"Acting in the Wake: Prayers for Justice" emerged from different occasions where notable theologian Walter Brueggemann was called upon to offer prayers over the past quarter century.

The power of retrospectives to inform contemporary pursuits of justice motivated Sandhya Jha, a peace activist, community organizer, and Disciples of Christ pastor, to write "Rebels, Despots, & Saints: The Ancestors Who Free Us & The Ancestors We Need to Free."

"Deliver Us: Salvation and the Liberating God of the Bible" by Walter Brueggemann is the first volume in a new series gathering the lesser-known works of one of the most influential figures in biblical studies and theology.

"Preaching and Praying as Though God Matters: In the Post-establishment Church" by Ronald P. Byars seeks to provide us with a word that ties preaching and worship together, with special attention given to the Lord's Table.

In "The Desert of Compassion: Devotions for the Lenten Journey" author Rachel M. Srubas draws on the images of the desert, which she knows so well as a pastor in southern Arizona, to provide the reader/spiritual seeker with a rich devotional book.

Barbara Mahany's "The Book of Nature: The Astonishing Beauty of God’s First Sacred Text" serves to remind us that before there was scripture, there was nature. It was nature that spoke to humanity about the presence of God the creator.