Part of the new monastic movement began three decades ago among lay Protestants, Spring Forest is a model for how Christians can work, eat and worship as a community.
The president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary says former chief of staff Heath Woolman told another staffer to make the report of a sexual assault ‘go away.’
To receive an A rating, pastors must demonstrate that they lead a ‘biblically sound, culturally aware, & non-socialistic legislatively active church.’ Failing to meet any of those earns a church a ‘Would Not Recommend.’
The indictment is the first public acknowledgment from the U.S. Department of Justice that it is investigating the Southern Baptist Convention and its entities.
Myrtle Baptist Church takes pride in its inclusive congregation, but many Black churches and denominations in the U.S. remain opposed to celebrating same-sex marriages or ordaining openly LGBTQ+ clergy.
Leaders of the conservative denomination canceled the discussion of dealing with polarization after online backlash.
Earlier this month, delegates at a United Methodist Church conference struck down the UMC’s longstanding anti-LGBTQ policies and created a path for clergy ousted because of them to return.
A new statistical report also found that many Southern Baptist Convention churches do little to address sexual abuse.
On the first Sunday after the conclusion of the denomination’s General Conference, many queer United Methodists celebrated their release from the tight and narrow spaces that had confined them.
The nation’s largest Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and Lutheran denominations have all now removed barriers to LGBTQ participation in the pulpit and at the altar.