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On the first Sunday after the conclusion of the denomination’s General Conference, many queer United Methodists celebrated their release from the tight and narrow spaces that had confined them.

The nation’s largest Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and Lutheran denominations have all now removed barriers to LGBTQ participation in the pulpit and at the altar.

Other grantees will use the NPS funding to conduct historical surveys, including one in Detroit that will explore 'the role of religion in the struggle for equality.’

The consensus was so overwhelming that it was rolled into a 'consent calendar,' a package of normally non-controversial measures that are bundled into a single vote to save time.

As Sexual Assault Awareness Month comes to a close, there are a few steps experts say every faith group can take to improve safeguarding protocols.

The Stronger Men’s Conference made headlines after Mark Driscoll was kicked off the stage. But the church’s women’s conference may actually undermine evangelical stereotypes.

In the Black Church as a whole, male pastors predominate with less than one in 10 Black Protestant congregations led by a woman — even as more Black women are attending seminary.

Regionalization has been framed as an undertaking of decolonization. But the plan is also an acknowledgment that cultural and theological differences are driving Methodists apart, especially regarding sexuality.

'Fresh Expressions' is a denominational initiative intended to connect people who may not be interested in church but are interested in learning a new skill or making new friends.

Even after the departures, 24% of North Carolina clergy remaining in the denomination disagree with allowing LGBTQ people to get married and ordained within the denomination.