Nation - Word&Way


HomeNewsNation (Page 17)

This issue of A Public Witness explores public comments implying the Old and New Testaments are pitted against each other — echoing an ancient heresy.

The moral and political battles among those who believe the government should not control a pregnant person’s body and those who believe abortion should not be considered an inalienable right have blurred the lines between religious and governmental wills.

'We don't need a pause, we need it ended — we need it to cease,' the Rev. Darrell Hamilton II said of the violence in Gaza.

Asked about Biden's proposal for ‘humanitarian pauses’ instead of a cease-fire, one demonstrator called it a ‘minimalist’ proposal.

This issue of A Public Witness looks at the morality tale of Jenna Ellis, a Trump attorney and Christian radio show host, as a warning against exchanging the truth of God for a lie.

Health and wealth preacher Andrew Wommack teaches that Christians should ‘reform nations’ and rule over the godless. His Truth & Liberty Coalition has started by pushing its candidates in some 30 school districts across Colorado.

Grand Canyon University faces the largest fine of its kind ever issued by the U.S. Education Department.

For three decades, migrants have been drawn to Noel, Missouri, to work at the chicken processing site. Its abrupt closure may mean the days of tight-knit immigrant and refugee church communities there are over.

Investigators are still searching for a motive for the massacre, but have increasingly been focused on Robert Card’s mental health history.