Nation - Word&Way


HomeNewsNation (Page 19)

A New Jersey man who wants to run for Congress next year has sued the state over its requirement that candidates sign a nominating petition including the affirmation “so help me God.” 

Among white evangelicals, the view that the Earth is in crisis actually dropped — from 13% in 2014 to 8% today

The private Christian university has marketed itself for years as having one of the nation’s safest campuses.

Heather Rooks, a conservative Christian who attends a large nondenominational church, says her First Amendment rights to free speech and free exercise of religion have been violated.

‘We think that the clearing of Louisiana’s death row would be a monumental step towards the abolition of the death penalty,’ Vatican agency head said.

For faith leaders, the line historically has been short enough to get a green card before their temporary work visas expired. But that changed in March.

‘Bishop Beaman’s extensive experience and deep roots in Africa will enable him to lead the Council to achieve its full potential,’ the White House said.

A new reports finds that the number of Christian refugees coming to the US has declined at a time when persecution is on the rise.

This issue of A Public Witness attends the initial conversation about Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's "School Choice Sunday" — an effort to direct what pastors say from the pulpit — before offering a short homily about the politics of preaching.

In an amended complaint filed in federal court last week, Falwell Jr. alleged several board members diverted university funds to private causes and overlooked sexual misconduct by former leaders.