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This issue of A Public Witness details the religious background of Kamala Harris, now one of the two leading contenders to be the 47th president of the United States.

Many U.S. churches close their doors each year, typically with little attention. But the closure of Ryan Burge’s First Baptist Church in Mt. Vernon, Illinois, has a poignant twist.

'It is a wakeup call for the churches,' said an Anglican priest. 'The churches should remain independent, and I think the youth are angry that this is not the case.'

A fire all but destroyed the historic church sanctuary at First Baptist Dallas, sending smoke billowing over the city but causing no deaths or injuries, Dallas firefighters said.

Advocates of reconciliation and unity gather at the fourth of seven events scheduled from April through October in the Kansas City metropolitan area.

Muslims, Jews, Christians, and religious leaders from Eastern traditions gathered to call for an ethical use of artificial intelligence.

This issue of A Public Witness looks at the numerous scriptural references peppered into the speeches at this week’s Republican National Convention in order to protect against partisan exploitation of holy texts.

Groups are aiming to equip volunteers to keep the environment calm at polling places, especially in battleground states.

As a Republican official led a Sikh prayer, images of Christian crosses flashed behind her.

Kristin Stoneking will replace Bishop Karen Oliveto, the denomination’s first openly gay married bishop, who, at age 66, is retiring.