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Jackson described how faith, especially instilled by her now late grandmother, had undergirded her personal and professional life.

This issue of A Public Witness opens up the Bible to debunk hidden partisan codes popping up in social media posts and sermons.

When the CCLI Top 100 chart first appeared in 1988, most of the songs had one writer. Today, the average hit worship song has at least two writers — who often have ties to the so-called Big Four megachurches.

In “Hope Restored: Biblical Imagination Against Empire,” Walter Brueggemann points us toward understanding hope not as easy optimism but as an honest facing of the unjust structures that human beings have created and a call to lean into Scripture for an alternative way.

Postliberals share the longstanding conservative Catholic opposition to abortion and LGBTQ+ rights but want a muscular government — one that they control.

The Rev. Jerry Young, pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Jackson, Mississippi, has been president for two five-year terms and cannot run for a consecutive third term.

The first stop is an interfaith meeting with representatives of the six religions that are officially recognized in the world’s largest Muslim country: Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Catholicism, and Protestantism.

The federal lawsuit, filed by the National Religious Broadcasters, is the latest challenge to the so-called Johnson Amendment, which bars charitable nonprofits from taking sides in campaigns.

A spokesperson said no one from ACNA’s national office had knowledge of Archbishop Beach or his staff asking for the podcast to stop.

This issue of A Public Witness treks to Latin America to consider the dangers arising from the political co-opting of sacred texts.