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HomeNews (Page 72)

Conservative Christian activists are hoping to turn Texas public schools into a ‘mission field.’

‘There are so many pressing issues, from the future of COVID-19 and mental health to gun violence and voting rights, that must be addressed,’ said CNBC Chairman W. Franklyn Richardson.

The Rev. Jeff Hood, spiritual adviser to Kenneth Smith, argued the restrictions imposed during the execution would violate Hood’s right to the free exercise of religion.

This issue of A Public Witness treks to the Hawkeye State to consider a recent stunt by the Satanic Temple and what options are available beyond endorsing Christian Nationalism (or Satanic Nationalism).

Francis added his voice to increasing calls for binding, global regulation of AI in his annual message for the World Day of Peace, which the Catholic Church celebrates each Jan. 1.

The ACLU said the agency’s advertisement policy discriminated against certain opinions and violated the First Amendment.

Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer movement in Kansas City, said he’d had moral failings more than two decades ago but said many of the allegations against him are false.

Carolyn Chen’s "Work Pray Code: When Work Becomes Religion in Silicon Valley" explores how work has displaced religion in so many people’s lives. If we can’t serve both God and mammon, it feels like a lot of people have chosen the latter.

In "The Gospel According to James Baldwin: What America's Great Prophet Can Teach Us About Life, Love, and Identity," Greg Garrett invites new readers and longtime lovers of the great writer into a thoughtful exploration of his continued relevance.

The demonstrators, who were later arrested, noted the ongoing Jewish holiday, shouting, 'No Hanukkah to celebrate, cease-fire cannot wait!'