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Other Opinions

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When was the last time you experienced a life circumstance that you just didn’t know how to get out of? Although hardships can be uncomfortable and frustrating, through them we are reminded of God’s ability to see after us in ways we couldn’t imagine.

A college experience serves as a reminder that you don’t have to be a preacher or a missionary to serve the Lord. Instead, every child of God should serve God with what he or she does.

(RNS) — It all started with a tweet thread from Texas state Rep. Matt Schaefer declaring gun ownership to be one of our “God-given rights.” Enter actress-turned-activist Alyssa Milano, who asked, “Can someone cite which passage of the Bible God states it is a god-given right to own a gun?”

(RNS) — Historically, Americans want to help others, but how can those of us on the other side of the world — with little cultural knowledge of places affected by conflict — make a lasting impact? There is a solution that we share with these faraway places: local churches.

Jimmy Al-Daoud’s deportation and death is not a mystery or a mistake. It’s part of a progression that has tightened a cordon around the Chaldean Christian community for more than five years.

With mass shootings becoming a regular occurrence in the United States and gun control efforts largely stalled in government, it’s worth dissecting which Americans support gun control measures, and how they affiliate religiously -- or don’t.

Family was one of the most important concepts in Hebrew life. But they understood family differently from our modern idea. In Hebrew culture, identity was derived primarily from being a part of a family, of being a part of something that was bigger than an individual.

(The Conversation) — Over the last several months, the authors have surveyed Americans’ beliefs about dozens of high-profile political issues and discovered that many of the false stories weren’t trying to intentionally deceive readers; they came from satirical sites, and many people seemed to believe them.

You who are blessed to have grandchildren can use Grandparents’ Day as a day you share your Christian faith with your grandkids.

While John the Baptist, the forerunner of our Messiah, often receives sustained attention during Advent, I’d like to make a case for John the religious liberty fanatic.