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Other Opinions

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An American president — of a certain age, with mitigating health factors — falls prey to the most serious public health crisis in the last century. Because he won’t admit its severity. Because he has mocked every reasonable deterrent.

For any journalist, covering the president and vice-president is an honor. It was only later, when I heard of the president’s positive COVID test, that the honor turned into concern for my health.

Author D.L. Mayfield reflects on her experience of attending an evangelical concert framed as a response to protests against racial injustices.

The 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims’ voyage to Plymouth will be celebrated on both sides of the Atlantic. But until recently, the more troubling aspects to Plymouth and its founding document, the Mayflower Compact, went ignored.

Sunday marked six months since the U.S. declared the COVID-19 outbreak a national emergency. We are now in the disillusionment phase as numerous psychological studies are showing increased rates of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.

Russell D. Moore writes that civility is often limited to whether or not we agree with the other person. He adds he is repelled by the word “civility” because it aspires to too little. We are called not to mere civility, but beyond civility to kindness.

Shane Claiborne writes that he will be voting on Nov. 3. But he will not be looking for a political savior. He will be looking to do damage control. He’ll be voting for the politicians who he believe will do the least amount of damage to the world, and alleviate the most suffering for the most people.

As we barrel toward Election Day, I’m weighing each party’s values against the Jesus revolution I long ago pledged allegiance to. The Democrats elevate values consistent with my faith regarding race, justice, and the environment; the Republicans on the sanctity of life and human sexuality.

Bill J. Leonard reflects on Christian conscience and the role it plays in national citizenship. The best of early Baptist history in America, he argues, reflected the belief that citizenship in this new society should be open to all, whether they were Christian or not.

In the wake of Jerry Falwell Jr. taking a leave of absence from Liberty University because of some controversial social media posts, Jeff Mattson & Terra Mattson reflect on how organizations can create environments of truth & grace that hold leaders accountable.