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In episode 96 of Dangerous Dogma, Kevin Nye talks about his book Grace Can Lead Us Home: A Christian Call to End Homelessness. He also discusses the importance of language and extravagance.

In episode 95 of Dangerous Dogma, Peter Jarrett-Schell, rector of Calvary Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., talks about his book Reparations: A Plan for Churches. He also discusses his work as chair of the Reparations Task Force of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.

In episode 94 of Dangerous Dogma, Ilsup Ahn, a professor of professor of philosophy at North Park University in Chicago, talks about his book The Church in the Public: A Politics of Engagement for a Cruel and Indifferent Age. He also discusses the Sanctuary Movement and the Poor People's Campaign.

In episode 93 of Dangerous Dogma, Michael Budde, a professor of Catholic Studies and Political Science at DePaul University in Chicago, talks about his book Foolishness to Gentiles: Essays on Empire, Nationalism, and Discipleship. He

In episode 92 of Dangerous Dogma, William Yoo, a professor of American religious and cultural history at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia, talks about his book What Kind of Christianity: A History of Slavery and Anti-Black Racism in the Presbyterian Church.

Jennifer Garcia Bashaw, a professor of New Testament and Christian ministry at Campbell University, talks about her book Scapegoats: The Gospel through the Eyes of Victims. She also discusses theories of atonement and the mistreatment of women, poor and disabled people, Blacks, and immigrants.

In episode 90 of Dangerous Dogma, Jeff Hood, author of The Execution of God, talks about his advocacy against the death penalty. He also discusses his ministry to people on death row, including last month as he stood in a death chamber as Oklahoma executed Scott Eizember.

In episode 89 of Dangerous Dogma, Jason Porterfield talks about his new book Fight Like Jesus: How Jesus Waged Peace. He also discusses what peacemaking involves and how we sometimes misread stories about Jesus and violence.

Daniel Buttry, retired global consultant for peace and justice with International Ministries of the American Baptist Church, talks about his new book Healing the World: Gustavo Parajón, Public Health and Peacemaking Pioneer. He also discusses nationalism, truth-telling, and conflict transformation.

In episode 87 of Dangerous Dogma, Andrew Seidel, vice president of strategic communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, talks about his book American Crusade: How the Supreme Court Is Weaponizing Religious Freedom.