Lee Spitzer, historian for the Baptist World Alliance and affiliate professor of church history at Northern Seminary in Chicago, talks about his new book Sympathy, Solidarity, and Silence: Three Europeans Baptist Responses to the Holocaust.
Pamela Cooper-White of Union Theological Seminary talks about her book The Psychology of Christian Nationalism: Why People Are Drawn In and How to Talk Across the Divide. She also discusses pastoral counseling and her perspective as an Episcopal priest.
Mike McMahon, executive director of the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada, talks about the work of the Hymn Society. He also discusses music and issues like COVID, welcoming immigrants, and scandals involving Hillsong.
Christopher Beem, an associate research professor and the managing director of the McCourtney Institute for Democracy at Pennsylvania State University, talks about his book The Seven Democratic Virtues: What You Can Do to Overcome Tribalism and Save Our Democracy.
Paul Raushenbush, the new president and CEO of the Interfaith Alliance, talks about the organization. He also discusses Christian Nationalism, religious liberty, and his family's heritage.
Liz Bucar, professor of religion at Northeastern University, talks with about her new book Stealing My Religion: Not Just Any Cultural Appropriation. She also discusses trying yoga, walking the Camino de Santiago, and leading the Sacred Writes program.
Doug Pagitt, executive director of Vote Common Good, talks about confronting Christian Nationalism. He also discusses attending the ReAwaken America Tour and protesting during the NRA's prayer breakfast.
In episode 71 of Dangerous Dogma, Sarah Posner, author of God's Profits and Unholy, talks about covering religion and politics. She also discusses issues of Christian Nationalism, the U.S. Supreme Court, Donald Trump, and ongoing threats to democracy.
Bekah McNeel, an education journalist, talks about her new book Bringing Up Kids When Church Lets You Down: A Guide for Parents Questioning Their Faith. She also discusses the impact of COVID-19 on education, debates about critical race theory, and reacting to the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting as a parent.
In episode 69, Jack Jenkins, a national reporter for Religion News Service about his work reporting on religion and politics on both the right and left. He also discusses his book American Prophets: The Religious Roots of Progressive Politics and the Ongoing Fight for the Soul of the Country.