Lance Wallnau, First to ‘Prophesy’ Trump’s Presidency, Is Back To Vanquish Anti-Trump Demons
The modern-day 'prophet' and coiner of the phrase '7 Mountain Mandate' has helped to bring the influential Pentecostal group New Apostolic Reformation...
The modern-day 'prophet' and coiner of the phrase '7 Mountain Mandate' has helped to bring the influential Pentecostal group New Apostolic Reformation...
This issue of A Public Witness explores the religious ethics behind the Golden Rule and why it matters when Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz declare...
Trump staffers have called the left ‘godless,’ but this year’s DNC painted a very different picture.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via f...
In "Ministers of Propaganda: Truth, Power, and the Ideology of the Religious Right," Scott Coley trains a critical eye on the fusion of evangelicalism...
This issue of A Public Witness shows up like a hotdish with, dontcha know, a look at Minnesota Nice Lutherans and why, gosh darn it, the attacks on Wa...
Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., and the pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, voiced criticism of Trump during a session of the PNBC...
This issue of A Public Witness grabs some tinsel and some lights to unwrap some recent seasonally inappropriate “War on Christmas” rhetoric and ra...
As a Palestinian Christian, Daoud Kuttab has often felt that defending symbolism can be an easy replacement for the practice of faith in action. He ar...
This issue of A Public Witness looks at the creation of the law that eventually led to the Supreme Court’s case on the Bible in schools to determine...
This issue of A Public Witness looks at the numerous scriptural references peppered into the speeches at this week’s Republican National Convention...