The War on Public Libraries
This issue of A Public Witness takes a look (it’s in a book) at the religious history of public libraries and the ways they help our communities go...
This issue of A Public Witness takes a look (it’s in a book) at the religious history of public libraries and the ways they help our communities go...
This issue of A Public Witness will take you to church in the wake of recent news about gun violence protests out of Tennessee to hear how a couple of...
Even since the end of Soviet occupation, oppressed people see Lithuania's Hill of Crosses as a reminder of the subversive power of the cross. Jesus sh...
Comparing Trump to Jesus misses the point of what is happening to Trump. And, more importantly, misunderstands the treatment of Jesus in the leadup to...
This edition of A Public Witness revisits how too many American Christians decided to support an unjust war and considers what lessons the American Ch...
Wendell Griffen connects attacks on public schools in Arkansas, Florida, and other states to similar efforts in the past and argues that the current s...
This issue of A Public Witness will coach you up about a recent controversy regarding women in ministry at Saddleback Church and then consider how mom...
Christian ethicist Robin Lovin’s "What Do We Do When Nobody is Listening: Leading the Church in a Polarized Society" joins a growing number of impor...
With the announcement on Saturday that the 98-year-old Jimmy Carter would enter hospice care at home, this issue of A Public Witness reflects on the m...
Contributing writer Rodney Kennedy writes that we will never understand conservative evangelicals until we understand the theological construction of...