Building relationships in China
Volunteers for China seeks to build long-term relationships through summer language missions. <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get...
Volunteers for China seeks to build long-term relationships through summer language missions. <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get...
The story of Black Baptists in the 20th century reflects the larger story of African-Americans’ quest for equality, historian Adam Bond said. <!...
<!--IMAGE IMAGE-->Some Baptists believe the line between narrow nationalism and proper patr...
Some Baptists see civil religion as bland at best and idolatrous at worst. But others view broadly shared values of liberty, justice and acknowledgeme...
<table border="0" width="160" class="content_photos_left" align="left"> <tbody> <tr> <td><img class=" size-full wp-image-49314" src="https://wor...
When evangelist Billy Graham, social activist Jim Wallis, pastor Rick Warren, theologian Al Mohler and author Brian McLaren all can fit under the umbr...
<table border="0" width="200" class="content_photos_left" align="left"> <tbody> <tr> <td><img class=" size-full wp-image-49010" src="https://wor...
MOSCOW (ABP) -- An Oct. 15 meeting between high-level representatives of Russia’s Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox communities resulted in the...
Sitting across from the offering box, He was observing how the crowd tossed money in for the collection. Many of the rich were making large contr...