Evangelicals Downplay Religious Expression When Working With Secular Groups
Despite being portrayed as hyper-religious and persistent proselytizers, a researcher sees that some evangelicals actually downplay religious exp...
Despite being portrayed as hyper-religious and persistent proselytizers, a researcher sees that some evangelicals actually downplay religious exp...
More than a half century after the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. challenged the Christian church to "remove the yoke of segregation from its own body,"...
(RNS) — The past 10 years have witnessed monumental demographic shifts in the U.S., catastrophic natural disasters and new urgency on climate change...
(RNS) — Thomas Ascol, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida, and head of Founders Ministries, was hospitalized Sunday (Dec. 8) after...
(RNS) — A video posted by a neo-Calvinist evangelical group paints Bible teacher Beth Moore, Southern Baptist ethicist Russell Moore, a former pr...
(RNS) — While many people create religiously offensive works just to offend, the line between well-intentioned kitsch and bad taste can still be blu...
(RNS) — On Wednesday (March 27), the authors of “The Jewish Annotated New Testament” will present Pope Francis with a signed copy of their boo...
Christians want our first loyalty to be to Jesus, not a particular institution or tradition. But does anyone follow Jesus in some pure, individual w...
(RNS) — 2018 saw wave after wave of new revelations about the extent of the Catholic Church's sex abuse crisis. It saw deadly hate crimes, state-sp...
<p><img class=" alignleft size-full wp-image-55063" src="https://wordandway.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/webRNS-Brunson-Accusers1-081318.jpg" width=...