For all its exotic stories, strange cultures and colorful characters, the Old Testament is remarkably relevant to our modern world. No matter how odd the story
Last week's study showed Solomon at the pinnacle of success. The exotic Queen of Sheba characterized him as the most amazing man she had ever seen, his wisdom greater than any other king on earth, with people offering him lavish gifts just to get in
Today’s text concludes with ominous undertones, describing “King Solomon far exceeded all the earth’s kings in wealth and wisdom so the whole world wanted an audience with Solomon…to hear his God-given wisdom…year after year they came with their extravagant gifts” (1 Kings 10:23-25).
The building of Solomon's Temple, while impressive, is not the apex of the unfolding of God’s grace. Yet this is a very significant milestone in the ebb and flow of our spiritual history.
We are familiar with varied leadership styles and studying those who have impacted our world of corporations, politics, and management dynamics. In the current political climate we can study both candidates and voters to contrast rhetoric, vision, and structure in order to understand both negative