WASHINGTON (ABP) – The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to review a lower-court ruling allowing Kentucky taxpayers to sue over public funding of a Baptist youth home.
GEORGETOWN, Ky. (ABP) – A Baptist church-state expert criticized arguments used by opponents of building mosques in the United States that Islam is not a religion and therefore undeserving of protection of the First Amendment.
Christian ethics applies the gospel to all of life, Bill Pinson told participants at the T.B. Maston Lectures in Christian Ethics April 11-12 at Hardin-Simmons University’s Logsdon Seminary.
WASHINGTON -- Ricky Creech will lead one of the most diverse Baptist bodies in America following his election March 28 as executive director of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention. The D.C. convention’s 153 churches include pastors who self-identify both as fundamentalist and as
ATLANTA (ABP) -- Three years after the Celebration of a New Baptist Covenant drew 15,000 persons from various Baptist groups to Atlanta, a second major event is being planned for mid-November with large church-based gatherings to be held across the nation.
ASHEVILLE, N.C. (ABP) -- Dynamite pulling down mountain tops and satellite dishes pulling down a homogenizing signal are making Appalachia as a clearly defined region disappear before our eyes, according to longtime Appalachian watcher, minister and historian Bill Leonard.
Two veteran Texas Baptist Men disaster relief volunteers, a Japanese Dallas pastor and a videographer are slated to leave for Japan March 24 to assist the disaster response effort there and look for places where Texas Baptists can serve.
Celebrity-driven campaigns like Save Darfur and Invisible Children are popular, but in some cases, they do more harm than good, according to a Baptist scholar who specializes in African politics, conflict and international affairs.
ATLANTA (ABP) -- Leaders of four national Baptist organizations signed a statement released March 10 critical of the hearings by the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Homeland Security on the subject of radicalization within the American Muslim community.
WASHINGTON (ABP) -- A Baptist advocate for religious liberty and the separation of church and state said March 8 that House committee hearings scheduled later this week on radical Islam should be broadened to other faiths.