A religious coalition won the first round of faith-based litigation against the Trump administration — but the scope of the preliminary injunction is limited.
Americans United for Separation of Church and State condemned the appointment, saying White-Cain is a “Christian Nationalist powerbroker” who promotes discriminatory public policies.
First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D.C., Carter’s primary place of worship throughout his presidency, hosted an evening service that celebrated his life and played a recording from his final Sunday School lesson there.
Editor-in-chief Brian Kaylor reflects on what is missing in coverage of the religious faith of the late Jimmy Carter as news reports consider the life and legacy of the former president, humanitarian, and Sunday School teacher.
‘The son of man did not come to be served but to serve, and Jimmy Carter did his very best to live according to the calling of his Lord and Savior,’ said U.S. Senate Majority Leader John Thune.
Focusing almost entirely on the SBC not only minimizes the theological (and political and racial) diversity of Baptists, but it also privileges a patriarchal body over others.
Contributing writer Laura Levens reflects on the recent denominational meeting of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and how the energy of people in attendance felt different than in previous years.
Ethicist, pastor, author, and advocate David P. Gushee reflects on the recent Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly and what makes the denomination distinct from the Southern Baptist Convention.
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina held a leadership forum to help pastors figure out how to speak out without alienating half of their members.
As its final action, a Baptist seminary that was born in innovation is helping undergird the beginning of two new ventures in theological education. Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond offered its last courses and degrees in spring 2019.