Rev. Carlos L. Malavé of the Latino Christian National Network contrasts our propensity for fear and fighting violence with more violence with an alternative reality revealed to us through this liturgical season.
In "Ancient Echoes: Refusing the Fear-Filled, Greed-Driven Toxicity of the Far Right," influential biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann speaks to ideologies and efforts that are rooted in appeals to fear of the other, the one who is different.
In day 25 of our Unsettling Advent devotional series, Lauren Graeber reflects on how angels always seem to say “do not be afraid” as soon as they show up, and what we can learn about fear and hope from the stories.
It is natural to be afraid at a time like this. But the spiritual practice of reading Scripture within a deep tradition can be grounding for us, and can help us be resilient in the face of fear.
I love to try new things. Sometimes, however, after I say yes, fear creeps in and I start to feel like maybe I’m in over my head. This is exactly what happened when I learned to kayak.