An evangelical broadcaster who boasted of miraculously securing a TV license in Israel now risks being taken off the air over suspicions of trying to convert Jews to Christianity.
Israel is working with foreign governments and Orthodox Christian leaders in the Holy Land to make sure that one of their most ancient and mysterious rituals — the Holy Fire ceremony — is not extinguished by the coronavirus outbreak, officials said Friday.
After Palestinian National Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’ stormy rejection of the plan last week (Feb. 11), Christians who work for justice in Palestine were reminded why they don’t like it.
JERUSALEM (RNS) — A fire that destroyed an ancient Holy Land church near the Sea of Galilee around 700 CE appears to have preserved the church’s beautiful mosaic floor, which includes depictions of baskets, loaves and fish as well as inscriptions.
(RNS) — A daredevil operation by Israel's secret service to rescue more than 8,000 Ethiopian Jews from Sudanese refugee camps in the early 1980s has become “The Red Sea Diving Resort" on Netflix.
(RNS) — As engineers at Israeli nonprofit SpaceIL prepared for the launch of their lunar lander last year, one man's faith played a part in it's launch. quietly modeling for the broader aerospace industry how religion and science work together to reach the stars.
(RNS) — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said people of all faiths will have “something to say” about the Israeli-Palestinian peace plan the White House is expected to announce after Israel’s elections in two weeks.
As we ponder the story of Jesus' baptism, experts in Israel work to remove thousands of landmines from the area near the River Jordan and the traditional baptism site of Jesus. That’s right: One of the holiest sites remains surrounded by deadly landmines designed to