The Christian TV network says the departures of Lance Wallnau, Jack Graham, Jesse Duplantis, and others are unrelated to the controversy involving alleged abuse cover-up.
In “The Violent Take It By Force: The Christian Movement that is Threatening Our Democracy,” Matthew Taylor shows how some of the more extreme beliefs of American evangelicalism have begun to take hold in the mainstream.
The charismatic exuberance and focus on the supernatural contrast in tone with the relatively restrained approach of groups such as Southern Baptists, though they have allied in their opposition to abortion and LGBTQ+ rights.
Matthew Taylor makes a compelling case that the New Apostolic Reformation, whose leaders and ideas have migrated from the fringes to the center of American evangelicalism, is a dangerous threat to democracy.
The modern-day 'prophet' and coiner of the phrase '7 Mountain Mandate' has helped to bring the influential Pentecostal group New Apostolic Reformation from the fringes of American Christianity to the heart of US politics.
‘Throughout the Trump presidency, the flag became a symbol for Trump, for Christian America, for this insurgent Christian Nationalism,’ says scholar Matthew Taylor.
This issue of A Public Witness asks you to keep your eyes open and head straight so you can read about the Seven Mountains theology and how it’s seeping into the National Day of Prayer with a more violent twist.
This issue of A Public Witness explores the wild Superbowl dreams of Lance Wallnau — a key figure in the New Apostolic Reformation movement — to consider the heresy of the MAGAchurch world.