While Donald Trump’s win understandingly dominates the headlines, it’s also important to consider the results in the numerous other federal, state, and local races.
While Feucht often frames himself as a Washington outsider, arguably his most powerful ally is a prominent Republican strategist named Timothy Teepell — who is credited with Josh Hawley’s political ascension.
Expressing concerns about the Establishment Clause is something of a turn for Feucht, who previously said ‘I want a country where Christians are making the laws.’
‘How Great Is Our God’ has long been one of the most popular worship songs in Christian churches. Since 2020, it’s also become a theme song for Christian Nationalist protesters.
The rally was a sign of political evangelicalism’s increasing interest in campus politics writ large and the pro-Palestinian campus protests in particular.
But those who know Tom Parker say his IVF concurring opinion was not simply a heartfelt expression of faith, but part of a strategy the chief justice has used to create legal precedent for conservative causes.
After Christian musician Sean Feucht brought his God and Country concert to the Indiana Statehouse, Hoosier members of the Satanic Temple demanded access for a concert of their own.