Advent 2005 devotional: Nothing is impossible with God - Word&Way

Advent 2005 devotional: Nothing is impossible with God

December 7, Luke 1:30-38

By Randy Fullerton, Pastor, Fee Fee Baptist Church, Bridgeton

At Christmas, I think back to some times in my life when I heRandy Fullertonard whispered to me the words, "Do not be afraid." The first time was when I was 15 years old. I was attending a youth revival in downtown Granby when the young evangelist asked if anyone would like to receive Jesus into their heart. I said, "Yes," and heard the words whispered: "Do not be afraid."

When I was 21 years old, I served as a summer missionary in the state of Nevada. The preacher of a small church had run off with the offerings. The next Sunday, church members needed a sermon in the worst way, and that was what they received. The home missionary sent me to preach my first sermon to this heartbroken group of believers.

After I preached the first and worst sermon of my life, people filled the altar, rededicating their lives to the Lord. An older woman grabbed my face and with tears streaming down her cheeks said, "Thank you for reminding us that God still loves us."

I cried with them and later that day said to God, "If you want me to preach your Word, I will." Again I heard the words, "Do not be afraid."

I cannot even begin to tell you the number of times the Lord has put opportunities in front of me that I thought were impossible. With each one, He told me, "Nothing is impossible with God."

I learned from a young, virgin girl who lived more than 2,000 years ago that God does not necessarily look for the best or the brightest when He wants His work done. He looks for those who are obedient and willing to serve.

I hope and pray you are willing this Christmas to look beyond your limitations and let God do great things in you — after all, "nothing is impossible with God."