Advent 2005 devotional: Share the Good News - Word&Way

Advent 2005 devotional: Share the Good News

December 8, Luke 1:39-45

By Bruce W. Gentry, Southeast Missouri State University BSC Director

While getting dressed for school, my kindergarten-aged daughter, Lydia, gazed at some of our wedding pictures and asked, "Were you excited when you had me?" "Oh yes, I was so excited," I quickly responded as I helped into her shirt.

After 12 years of marriage, Becky and I had been overjoyed anticipating Lydia's arrival. After what seemed a long time of hoping for a little one, I can remember being in a state of mild shock at the news of Becky's pregnancy. There may be perfectly scientific reasons for a nine-month pregnancy, but I believe God gave humans a nine-month pregnancy to allow time for future daddies and mammas to get over the shock and to prepare for a new arrival.

Sharing good news is such a blessing. We naturally want to share great news with those who are close to us and allow them to share in our joy. I quickly called my father, who was in the middle stage of terminal cancer, and shared the news of Becky's pregnancy. I distinctively remember a long pause of silence followed by a loud "What?!" I had to repeat the news again to make sure he heard it right. I think he was more shocked than I had been when I first heard the news.

A few weeks later after his last treatment and while we sat together in the car, he turned to me and said, "I hope everything turns out all right." That moment was pretty difficult for both of us because we both knew that he probably would not live to see his new grandchild. I have always taken his simple statement as a fatherly blessing because everything did turn out all right. Becky, at age 35, had a perfect pregnancy. She continued to work until the day Lydia was delivered.

The intimate sharing of Mary and Elizabeth should cause us to remember those with whom we share good news and the times we share together. Such opportunities are sadly few and far between in our busy lives. Joyous news is definitely meant to be shared. (12-08-05)