Task force proposes new CBF funding plan
ATLANTA (ABP) – A task force studying the future of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is recommending a new funding plan that moves decisions about how money is spent closer to the local church.
ATLANTA (ABP) – A task force studying the future of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is recommending a new funding plan that moves decisions about how money is spent closer to the local church.
Hollywood's century-old repertoire of films offers a rich lode of Christian themes, say some observers who see value in mining for them.
Are explicitly Christian films essentially propaganda pieces, not artistic expressions? Or are Christian themes expressed most profoundly in more subtle ways -- perhaps by directors who aren't Christian?
When Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney re-leased his federal tax returns for the past two years, he disclosed he and his wife, Ann, gave about 10 percent of their income to their church. In other words, they tithe.
Some Baptist leaders applauded President Obama's announcement that insurance companies, rather than religious institutions, will be required to provide employees' contraception coverage. However, the head of a Southern Baptist Convention agency said the compromise proposal failed to answer the concerns of self-funded religious insurance providers.
EDWARDSVILLE, Ill. (ABP) – An Illinois judge ruled Feb. 10 that a man accused of murdering a Southern Baptist preacher in his pulpit nearly three years ago is mentally unfit to stand trial.
LONDON (ABP) -- Baptists and other Christian leaders in the United Kingdom are urging the government to scrap plans to replace its fleet of nuclear-armed submarines.
JEFFERSON CITY -- Missourians need lending options, and a possible November ballot initiative to reform laws governing unsecured, short-term consumer loans -- often nicknamed payday loans -- could kill the industry in the state, Sen. John Lamping (R-St. Louis County) believes.
A few days ago, a North Carolina father reacted to his 15-year-old daughter's Facebook post describing how tough her life was and criticizing her parents. To register his displeasure with his daughter's public parental complaint, Tommy Jordan had several options at his
LEXINGTON, Ky. (ABP) – A Baptist church in Kentucky has severed ties with its local association of churches, saying doctrinal uniformity has trumped cooperative missions in the Southern Baptist Convention.