Word & Way will not produce a special Advent issue for its print magazine this year due in large part to the smaller magazine format and space limitations.
Buckner International is one of several churches, organizations and institutions offering Advent devotion helps this year, available online or as downloads.But the staff will help readers discover other guides to help prepare them for Christmas during the Advent season.
Over the past 10 years, Word & Way recruited writers annually from churches and Baptist organizations — both ministers and laypeople — and produced multi-page Advent sections. In all, more than 200 writers participated.
This year, Sales and Marketing Coordinator Ken Satterfield has prepared for readers a list of other sources for Advent devotions.
Midwest churches and organizations that are publishing their own Advent devotion guides that are not listed below can still be added to the online list of resources by contacting newsletter@wordandway.org.
Here are some options:
• Belmont University (Nashville, Tenn.) has a guide written by students, faculty, trustees and alumni based on lectionary texts. View online or download in mid-November (Belmont.edu or 615-460-6405).
• Buckner International (Dallas, Texas) produces a guide written by “those who minister to widows and orphans.” These are available as booklets, while supplies last, along with daily email sign-up, and an upcoming PDF download at buckner.org/adventguide. Contact: 800.442.4800.
• d365 Daily Devotions (d365.org), by the student ministry organization Passport Camps, is a daily interactive devotional experience with music. Theme is “Follow the Star.” Also available as an iOS app or via Facebook (facebook.com/d365.org).
• Denison Forum on Truth and Culture (Dallas, Texas) booklet’s theme is “A Season of Miracles,” written by Janet Denison. Available as a free letter-format PDF download at denisonforum.org/component/jdownloads/download/17-advent-devotional. Contact 214-705-3710.
• First Baptist Church (Jefferson City, Mo.): Theme is “Christ Our Light,” written by staff and congregation, and available as a booklet, PDF download or daily emails (fbcjc.org, info@fbcjc.org or 573-634-3603).
• First Baptist Church (Nashville, Tenn.): Theme is “27 Words,” written by staff and congregation, including a children’s portion. Available as a booklet, on the church website (firstbaptistnashville.org) including audio readings, and through social media (firstbaptistnashville.org/media/social-media). Contact Jennifer Percy (Jennifer.Percy@firstbaptistnashville.org) or 615-664-6006.
• Ottawa University (Ottawa, Kan.): Ecumenical Advent booklet for the community. Theme is “The Shepherds” with five devotions by Professor Richard Menninger and devo-tions and original images by the Ottawa University family and community. Contact rich.menninger@ottawa.edu or 785-248-2576.
• Second Baptist Church (Liberty, Mo.): Available as booklet, PDF, daily emails and Facebook (facebook.com/2bc-liberty). Theme: “Practicing Christmas.” Contact 2bcliberty.org, Maggie Henderson (mhenderson@2bcliberty.org) or 816-781-2824.