Expanded reports lead to intercessory prayer for wide range of Baptists
Institutional reports provide awareness that informs intercessory prayer for a variety of ministries — including agencies from the broader Baptist family.
Institutional reports provide awareness that informs intercessory prayer for a variety of ministries — including agencies from the broader Baptist family.
American Baptist Churches Central Region Executive Minister John Williams opened his State of the Region message at the region’s annual gathering Oct. 18-19 in Hesston, Kan., with a memory from his youth — a ride on a passenger train.
They say an army travels on its stomach. According to the proponents of “creation care,” the same can be said of the church. As they observe World Food Day today, those activists are reporting a dawning awareness among mainstream Baptists and other Christians that agriculture,
The Southern Baptist Convention’s top expert on religious liberty concerns says the U.S. Supreme Court should uphold a New York town’s practice of opening its city council meetings with sectarian prayer.
The Southern Baptist Convention agency that provides insurance for denominational employees filed a lawsuit Oct. 11 claiming the Affordable Care Act violates the religious liberty of faith-based organizations that do not meet the government’s narrow definition of “religious employers” exempted from paying for birth-control coverage
A new program designed to make it easier to buy health insurance for small businesses has potential to become a major source of medical coverage for church staff and employees, says Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Church Benefits Board President Gary Skeen.
After a recent world-wind visit as part of a Jordan Tourism Board tour for religious journalists, I wrote about the experience of visiting briefly with Syrian families who have found refuge in Amman, Jordan. A few were middle-aged, others were young parents,
Pray that Christian people will show Christ's love and hope to Syrian refugees living in Jordan during their time of need. About 500,000 Syrians have escaped into Jordan since civil war has engulfed their native land.