In this issue of A Public Witness, we’ll consider our current context and what we might learn today from the rhetorical approach of an 18th century minister trying to save his flock from the ravages of an ancient disease.
In this issue of A Public Witness, we interrogate the arguments about military chaplains in the recent confirmation hearing by the Senate Armed Services Committee. We also testify to the proper role of military chaplains and the problems with a misguided, sectarian approach favored by some
In this edition of A Public Witness, we’ll brief you on Michael Farris’s career within the conservative Christian Right after stunning details emerged last week about his role in trying to overturn the 2020 election.
In this issue of A Public Witness, we turn our spotlight on the race in Virginia to again plead for preserving the sacredness of sanctuaries. We will take you inside church services featuring Glenn Youngkin or Terry McAuliffe, and analyze the mini “sermons” they’re preaching.
In this edition of A Public Witness, we review the public careers of two well-known Christian figures in the public square — Pat Robertson and Francis Collins — who both announced their retirements in recent days. We will explore the lessons they taught and the spirits
The Christian flag’s co-optation at these events raises a banner of questions about its contemporary meaning to the Church. In this edition of A Public Witness, we unfurl the history of the Christian flag and raise up its usage by White Supremacists today.
In this edition of A Public Witness, we look at the cognitive dissonance the audit’s findings created for true believers of the “rigged election” claim, along with examining how this bureaucratic exercise took on a religious fervor.
In this edition of A Public Witness we place our aim on the rising use of drones as the preferred weapons of war. The urgency of the conversation ignores all borders, which means the life-or-death stakes warrant the attention of the global Church.
In this issue of A Public Witness, we take a look at two new survey reports on White evangelicals and Donald Trump to consider what they tell us together about the label ‘evangelical.’ We also join the chorus of voices searching for new religious identifiers.
In this issue of A Public Witness, we take a shot at exploring Biden’s new vaccine rules not as partisans, or even as citizens, but as followers of Jesus. Although we’ve advocated for Christians to voluntarily get vaccinated, government mandates raise additional moral issues warranting our consideration.