At the 2023 General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Louisville, Kentucky, one of the smallest Mainline denominations met to discuss some of the church's biggest issues.
This issue of A Public Witness takes you to Louisville to see how a denomination with deep American roots is witnessing against those advocating for a close alignment between God and country. And includes exciting news about a forthcoming effort from us.
The app replicates an instant messaging platform, allowing users to chat with ChatGPT impersonations of biblical figures, including the apostles, the prophets, Ruth, Job, Lot, and more.
'The majority of white evangelicals have accepted this idea that Trump wants what they want,' said Michael Wear, who runs The Center for Christianity and Public Life. 'I’m not sure this indictment changes that.'
Once one of the largest seminaries in the country, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has faced a financial crisis and now a feud among board members over a forensic audit of the school's finances.
This issue of A Public Witness takes you inside the Rising Youth cohort of Faith in Action to hear about young adult dreams for more faithful politics.
In "The Word Made Fresh: Preaching God's Love for Every Body," George A. Mason offers us a collection of progressive sermons preached during his thirty-year ministry at Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas.
Contributing writer Rodney Kennedy argues that Southern Baptists are engaged in a long slow return to Rome in a couple of very particular ways: one pagan and one religious.
This issue of A Public Witness looks at the dustup over St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School – a proposed sectarian public school – and the new lawsuit joined by some Baptist and United Church of Christ ministers.