In "What Jesus Learned from Women" author James F. McGrath fleshes out the nature of Jesus’s person and helps us recognize the role of women in the biblical story.
Lawmakers routinely entertain policy ideas shaped by fringe religious views — restrictions placed on transgender residents, anti-abortion propaganda, tax dollars for private schools, a refusal to acknowledge systemic racism.
As changing policies, rampant misinformation, and exasperated, fearful crowds converge in this desert city, faith leaders are striving to provide shelter and uplift. Along with prayers, they are counseling migrants about the daunting challenges that await them on U.S. soil, with enormous backlogs in asylum
Violence erupted against Christians in Manipur, India, last week amid political turmoil and tension between the Hindu population and minority Christian groups.
In welcoming Tawadros, the Coptic Orthodox patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt, Francis recalled that Wednesday marked the 50th anniversary of the first meeting between a Catholic and Coptic Orthodox pope.
This issue of A Public Witness looks at recent faith squabbles in statehouses and how this could impact Christian Nationalistic legislative efforts in a Capitol near you.
‘I worry that this bill will lead to Christian nationalists infiltrating our public schools and indoctrinating our students,’ said Texas state Rep. James Talarico, a Democrat and Presbyterian seminarian.